The manage_{$screen->id}_columns WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the column headers for a list table on a specific screen.
add_filter('manage_edit-post_columns', 'my_custom_columns'); function my_custom_columns($columns) { // your custom code here return $columns; }
(string[]): The column header labels keyed by column ID.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: manage_{$screen->id}_columns
Add a custom column to the Posts list table
This code adds a custom column called ‘Views’ to the Posts list table.
add_filter('manage_edit-post_columns', 'add_views_column'); function add_views_column($columns) { $columns['views'] = 'Views'; return $columns; }
Remove a default column from the Pages list table
This code removes the ‘Comments’ column from the Pages list table.
add_filter('manage_edit-page_columns', 'remove_comments_column'); function remove_comments_column($columns) { unset($columns['comments']); return $columns; }
Change the label of a column in the Media list table
This code changes the ‘Uploaded to’ column label to ‘Attached to’ in the Media list table.
add_filter('manage_upload_columns', 'change_uploaded_to_label'); function change_uploaded_to_label($columns) { $columns['parent'] = 'Attached to'; return $columns; }
Reorder columns in the Users list table
This code reorders the columns in the Users list table, placing the ‘Posts’ column before the ‘Role’ column.
add_filter('manage_users_columns', 'reorder_user_columns'); function reorder_user_columns($columns) { $posts = $columns['posts']; unset($columns['posts']); $new_columns = []; foreach ($columns as $key => $value) { $new_columns[$key] = $value; if ($key == 'role') { $new_columns['posts'] = $posts; } } return $new_columns; }
Add a custom column to a custom post type list table
This code adds a ‘Price’ column to the list table of a custom post type called ‘products’.
add_filter('manage_edit-products_columns', 'add_price_column'); function add_price_column($columns) { $columns['price'] = 'Price'; return $columns; }