The manage_sites_extra_tablenav WordPress action fires immediately after the closing “actions” div in the tablenav for the Multisite sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1); function your_custom_function($which) { // Your custom code here }
(string): The location of the extra table nav markup: ‘top’ or ‘bottom’.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: manage_sites_extra_tablenav
Adding a button to the top of the sites list table
This example adds a custom button to the top of the sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'add_custom_button', 10, 1); function add_custom_button($which) { if ($which == 'top') { echo '<input type="submit" name="my_custom_button" class="button" value="Custom Button">'; } }
Adding a select dropdown to the bottom of the sites list table
This example adds a custom select dropdown to the bottom of the sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'add_custom_select', 10, 1); function add_custom_select($which) { if ($which == 'bottom') { echo '<select name="custom_filter"><option value="">Select Filter</option></select>'; } }
Displaying text at the top of the sites list table
This example displays a custom message at the top of the sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'display_custom_text', 10, 1); function display_custom_text($which) { if ($which == 'top') { echo '<p>**Note:** Custom message displayed here.</p>'; } }
Adding a search box at the bottom of the sites list table
This example adds a custom search box at the bottom of the sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'add_custom_search', 10, 1); function add_custom_search($which) { if ($which == 'bottom') { echo '<input type="search" name="custom_search" placeholder="Search Sites">'; } }
Displaying a notice at the bottom of the sites list table
This example displays a custom notice at the bottom of the sites list table.
add_action('manage_sites_extra_tablenav', 'display_custom_notice', 10, 1); function display_custom_notice($which) { if ($which == 'bottom') { echo '<p>**Important:** Please verify your site information regularly.</p>'; } }