The manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the displayed columns in the terms list table. The dynamic part of the filter name, $this->screen->taxonomy, refers to the slug of the current taxonomy.
add_filter('manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column', 'your_custom_function', 10, 3); function your_custom_function($string, $column_name, $term_id) { // your custom code here return $string; }
(string) – Custom column output. Default empty.$column_name
(string) – Name of the column.$term_id
(int) – Term ID.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column
Add a custom column for categories
Add a custom column named “Custom” for categories and display the term’s ID:
add_filter('manage_category_custom_column', 'add_custom_category_column', 10, 3); function add_custom_category_column($string, $column_name, $term_id) { if ('Custom' === $column_name) { $string = $term_id; } return $string; }
Add a custom column for post tags
Add a custom column named “Custom” for post tags and display the term’s slug:
add_filter('manage_post_tag_custom_column', 'add_custom_post_tag_column', 10, 3); function add_custom_post_tag_column($string, $column_name, $term_id) { if ('Custom' === $column_name) { $term = get_term($term_id, 'post_tag'); $string = $term->slug; } return $string; }
Change the output of the description column for categories
Change the output of the “Description” column for categories to display “No Description” when it is empty:
add_filter('manage_category_custom_column', 'change_category_description_output', 10, 3); function change_category_description_output($string, $column_name, $term_id) { if ('description' === $column_name) { $term = get_term($term_id, 'category'); $string = empty($term->description) ? 'No Description' : $term->description; } return $string; }
Change the output of the description column for post tags
Change the output of the “Description” column for post tags to display “No Description” when it is empty:
add_filter('manage_post_tag_custom_column', 'change_post_tag_description_output', 10, 3); function change_post_tag_description_output($string, $column_name, $term_id) { if ('description' === $column_name) { $term = get_term($term_id, 'post_tag'); $string = empty($term->description) ? 'No Description' : $term->description; } return $string; }
Add a custom column for a custom taxonomy
Add a custom column named “Custom” for a custom taxonomy called “location” and display the term’s ID:
add_filter('manage_location_custom_column', 'add_custom_location_column', 10, 3); function add_custom_location_column($string, $column_name, $term_id) { if ('Custom' === $column_name) { $string = $term_id; } return $string; }