Using WordPress ‘ms_subdomain_constants()’ PHP function

The ms_subdomain_constants() WordPress PHP function defines Multisite subdomain constants and handles warnings and notices.


To use the function, simply call it:



This function does not have any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: ms_subdomain_constants()

Please note that this function is specific to WordPress Multisite installations.


Basic usage of ms_subdomain_constants()

This example demonstrates the basic usage of the ms_subdomain_constants() function.

// Call the ms_subdomain_constants() function

Check if the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant is defined

This example checks if the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant is defined after calling the ms_subdomain_constants() function.

// Call the ms_subdomain_constants() function

// Check if the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant is defined
if (defined('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL')) {
    echo 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL is defined!';
} else {
    echo 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL is not defined.';

Display the value of SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL

This example displays the value of the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant after calling the ms_subdomain_constants() function.

// Call the ms_subdomain_constants() function

// Display the value of SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL
echo 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL: ' . (SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL ? 'true' : 'false');

Use the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant in a conditional statement

This example uses the SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL constant in a conditional statement after calling the ms_subdomain_constants() function.

// Call the ms_subdomain_constants() function

// Perform an action based on the value of SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL
    echo 'Subdomain installation detected.';
} else {
    echo 'Subdirectory installation detected.';

Display a custom message if VHOST is defined

This example displays a custom message if the deprecated VHOST constant is defined after calling the ms_subdomain_constants() function.

// Call the ms_subdomain_constants() function

// Display a custom message if VHOST is defined
if (defined('VHOST')) {
    echo 'Warning: The VHOST constant is deprecated. Please use SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL instead.';