Using WordPress ‘network_site_users_after_list_table’ PHP action

The network_site_users_after_list_table WordPress action fires after the list table on the Users screen in the Multisite Network Admin.


add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'your_custom_function');

function your_custom_function() {
    // your custom code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: network_site_users_after_list_table


Display a message after the list table

This example shows how to display a custom message after the user list table.

add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'display_custom_message');

function display_custom_message() {
    echo '<p><strong>Note:</strong> Custom message goes here.</p>';

Add custom CSS styles

This example demonstrates how to add custom CSS styles to the Users screen.

add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'add_custom_css');

function add_custom_css() {
    echo '<style>.wp-list-table { background-color: #f5f5f5; }</style>';

Display the total number of users

This example displays the total number of users in the network after the list table.

add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'display_total_users');

function display_total_users() {
    $user_count = count_users();
    echo '<p>Total users: ' . $user_count['total_users'] . '</p>';

Add a custom button

This example shows how to add a custom button after the user list table.

add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'add_custom_button');

function add_custom_button() {
    echo '<a href="#" class="button">Custom Button</a>';

Display a custom notice

This example displays a custom notice after the user list table.

add_action('network_site_users_after_list_table', 'display_custom_notice');

function display_custom_notice() {
    echo '<div class="notice notice-info"><p>Custom notice text here.</p></div>';