The plugins_api_args WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the arguments sent to the Plugin Installation API.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'my_custom_plugins_api_args', 10, 2); function my_custom_plugins_api_args($args, $action) { // your custom code here return $args; }
(object): Plugin API arguments.$action
(string): The type of information being requested from the Plugin Installation API.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: plugins_api_args
Important: An object MUST be returned to this filter.
Set the number of plugin results
Set the number of plugin results to 15.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'my_custom_plugins_api_args', 10, 2); function my_custom_plugins_api_args($args, $action) { if ($action == 'query_plugins') { $args->per_page = 15; } return $args; }
Exclude certain plugins
Exclude certain plugins from the search results.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'exclude_specific_plugins', 10, 2); function exclude_specific_plugins($args, $action) { if ($action == 'query_plugins') { $args->exclude = array('plugin-slug-one', 'plugin-slug-two'); } return $args; }
Change the search term
Change the search term to show only plugins with ‘gallery’ in their name.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'change_search_term', 10, 2); function change_search_term($args, $action) { if ($action == 'query_plugins') { $args->search = 'gallery'; } return $args; }
Order plugins by most recent
Order the plugin results by the most recently updated plugins.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'order_plugins_by_recent', 10, 2); function order_plugins_by_recent($args, $action) { if ($action == 'query_plugins') { $args->orderby = 'updated'; } return $args; }
Set a custom author for the search
Show only plugins created by a specific author.
add_filter('plugins_api_args', 'set_custom_author', 10, 2); function set_custom_author($args, $action) { if ($action == 'query_plugins') { $args->author = 'your-author-slug'; } return $args; }