Using WordPress ‘populate_site_meta()’ PHP function

The populate_site_meta() WordPress PHP function creates WordPress site meta and sets the default values.


populate_site_meta($site_id, $meta);

Example: populate_site_meta(1, array('color_scheme' => 'blue', 'logo' => ''));


  • $site_id (int) - Required. Site ID to populate meta for.
  • $meta (array) - Optional. Custom meta $key => $value pairs to use. Default: array().

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: populate_site_meta()


Set default meta values for a new site

This example sets default meta values for a new site with a given ID.

$site_id = 2;
$default_meta = array(
    'color_scheme' => 'blue',
    'logo' => '',
    'footer_text' => 'Thanks for visiting!'

populate_site_meta($site_id, $default_meta);

Add new meta value to an existing site

This example adds a new meta value to an existing site.

$site_id = 3;
$new_meta = array('newsletter_enabled' => true);

populate_site_meta($site_id, $new_meta);

Update an existing meta value for a site

This example updates an existing meta value for a site.

$site_id = 4;
$update_meta = array('color_scheme' => 'green');

populate_site_meta($site_id, $update_meta);

Remove a meta value from a site

This example removes a meta value from a site by setting it to an empty string.

$site_id = 5;
$remove_meta = array('footer_text' => '');

populate_site_meta($site_id, $remove_meta);

Set multiple meta values for a site

This example sets multiple meta values for a site at once.

$site_id = 6;
$multiple_meta = array(
    'color_scheme' => 'red',
    'logo' => '',
    'footer_text' => 'Copyright © 2023'

populate_site_meta($site_id, $multiple_meta);