Using WordPress ‘post_lock_lost_dialog’ PHP action

The post_lock_lost_dialog WordPress action fires inside the dialog displayed when a user has lost the post lock. It helps customize the dialog box or add additional content.


add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1);

function your_custom_function($post) {
  // your custom code here


  • $post (WP_Post): The post object for which the lock is lost.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: post_lock_lost_dialog


Display a custom message

Add a custom message when the post lock is lost.

add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'custom_lost_lock_message', 10, 1);

function custom_lost_lock_message($post) {
  echo "<p><strong>Note:</strong> Remember to save your work regularly to avoid losing it.</p>";

Log the lost post lock event

Log the lost post lock event to a custom log file.

add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'log_lost_post_lock', 10, 1);

function log_lost_post_lock($post) {
  error_log("Post lock lost for post ID: " . $post->ID . "\n", 3, "/var/www/html/wp-content/lost_post_lock.log");

Notify admin via email

Send an email to the admin when a post lock is lost.

add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'notify_admin_lost_post_lock', 10, 1);

function notify_admin_lost_post_lock($post) {
  $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
  $subject = "Post lock lost for post ID: " . $post->ID;
  $message = "A user has lost the post lock for post ID: " . $post->ID;
  wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message);

Show custom JavaScript alert

Display a custom JavaScript alert when the post lock is lost.

add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'custom_lost_lock_js_alert', 10, 1);

function custom_lost_lock_js_alert($post) {
  echo "<script>alert('You have lost the post lock for post ID: " . $post->ID . "');</script>";

Add custom CSS to the lost lock dialog

Style the lost lock dialog with custom CSS.

add_action('post_lock_lost_dialog', 'custom_lost_lock_css', 10, 1);

function custom_lost_lock_css($post) {
  echo "<style>
          .post-lock-dialog .notification-dialog {
            background-color: #f8d7da;
            border-color: #f5c6cb;