The pre_delete_term WordPress PHP action fires when deleting a term, before any modifications are made to posts or terms.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'your_function_name', 10, 2); function your_function_name($term, $taxonomy) { // your custom code here return $term; }
(int) – Term ID.$taxonomy
(string) – Taxonomy name.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: pre_delete_term
Log term deletion
Logs term deletion to a custom log file.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'log_term_deletion', 10, 2); function log_term_deletion($term, $taxonomy) { $log_message = "Term ID {$term} from taxonomy {$taxonomy} is being deleted."; error_log($log_message, 3, "/path/to/your/custom.log"); return $term; }
Prevent term deletion
Prevent term deletion for a specific taxonomy.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'prevent_term_deletion', 10, 2); function prevent_term_deletion($term, $taxonomy) { if ($taxonomy == 'restricted_taxonomy') { wp_die('You are not allowed to delete terms from this taxonomy.'); } return $term; }
Notify admin by email
Notify the admin by email when a term is deleted.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'notify_admin_term_deletion', 10, 2); function notify_admin_term_deletion($term, $taxonomy) { $subject = 'Term Deletion'; $message = "Term ID {$term} from taxonomy {$taxonomy} is being deleted."; $admin_email = get_option('admin_email'); wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message); return $term; }
Update term count
Update the term count for a custom taxonomy before deletion.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'update_term_count_before_deletion', 10, 2); function update_term_count_before_deletion($term, $taxonomy) { if ($taxonomy == 'custom_taxonomy') { $term_obj = get_term($term, $taxonomy); $term_count = $term_obj->count; update_option('custom_taxonomy_count', $term_count - 1); } return $term; }
Delete associated metadata
Delete all associated metadata with a term before deletion.
add_action('pre_delete_term', 'delete_associated_metadata', 10, 2); function delete_associated_metadata($term, $taxonomy) { delete_metadata('term', $term, '', '', true); return $term; }