The pre_uninstall_plugin WordPress PHP action fires immediately before a plugin is uninstalled.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'my_custom_pre_uninstall_plugin', 10, 2); function my_custom_pre_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { // your custom code here }
- $plugin (string): Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
- $uninstallable_plugins (array): An array of uninstallable plugins.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: pre_uninstall_plugin
Log plugin uninstallation
Log the name of the plugin being uninstalled in a custom log file.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'log_plugin_uninstall', 10, 2); function log_plugin_uninstall($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { $log_message = "Uninstalling plugin: " . $plugin . "\n"; error_log($log_message, 3, "/path/to/your/logfile.log"); }
Prevent specific plugin uninstallation
Prevent the uninstallation of a specific plugin by checking its name.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'prevent_plugin_uninstall', 10, 2); function prevent_plugin_uninstall($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { if ($plugin == 'my-important-plugin/my-important-plugin.php') { wp_die("You cannot uninstall this important plugin."); } }
Delete custom plugin options
Delete custom options created by a plugin during its uninstallation process.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'delete_custom_plugin_options', 10, 2); function delete_custom_plugin_options($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { if ($plugin == 'my-custom-plugin/my-custom-plugin.php') { delete_option('my_custom_plugin_option'); } }
Send email notification on plugin uninstallation
Send an email to the administrator when a specific plugin is uninstalled.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'send_email_on_plugin_uninstall', 10, 2); function send_email_on_plugin_uninstall($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { if ($plugin == 'my-notifiable-plugin/my-notifiable-plugin.php') { $to = get_option('admin_email'); $subject = 'Plugin Uninstalled'; $message = 'The My Notifiable Plugin has been uninstalled.'; wp_mail($to, $subject, $message); } }
Deactivate dependent plugins
Deactivate other plugins that depend on a specific plugin before it’s uninstalled.
add_action('pre_uninstall_plugin', 'deactivate_dependent_plugins', 10, 2); function deactivate_dependent_plugins($plugin, $uninstallable_plugins) { if ($plugin == 'my-main-plugin/my-main-plugin.php') { deactivate_plugins('dependent-plugin/dependent-plugin.php'); } }