Using WordPress ‘pre_unschedule_hook’ PHP filter

The ‘pre_unschedule_hook’ filter allows you to intercept and modify the process of unscheduling events attached to a specific action hook in WordPress.


add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'your_custom_function', 10, 3 );
function prevent_unscheduling_hook( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) { 
return $pre; 


  • $pre (null|int|false|WP_Error)
    • The value to return instead of continuing the unscheduling process.
    • Default is null.
  • $hook (string)
    • The action hook whose events will be unscheduled.
  • $wp_error (bool)
    • Whether to return a WP_Error on failure.


Prevent unscheduling events for a specific hook

add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'prevent_unscheduling_hook', 10, 3 );

function prevent_unscheduling_hook( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) {
  if ( 'my_custom_hook' === $hook ) {
    return false;
  return $pre;

This code prevents unscheduling events attached to the ‘my_custom_hook’ action hook. If the hook being unscheduled is ‘my_custom_hook’, it returns false, leaving the events scheduled.

Display a custom error message for a specific hook

add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'custom_error_unscheduling_hook', 10, 3 );

function custom_error_unscheduling_hook( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) {
  if ( 'my_custom_hook' === $hook && $wp_error ) {
    return new WP_Error( 'custom_error', 'You cannot unschedule this hook.' );
  return $pre;

This code displays a custom error message when trying to unschedule events attached to the ‘my_custom_hook’ action hook and the $wp_error parameter is set to true.

Count events before unscheduling

add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'count_events_before_unscheduling', 10, 3 );

function count_events_before_unscheduling( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) {
  $events = wp_get_scheduled_hook( $hook );
  error_log( 'There are ' . count( $events ) . ' events attached to ' . $hook );
  return $pre;

This code logs the number of events attached to the action hook before proceeding with the unscheduling process.

Unschedule events conditionally

add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'conditionally_unschedule_hook', 10, 3 );

function conditionally_unschedule_hook( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) {
  if ( 'my_custom_hook' === $hook && some_custom_condition() ) {
    return false;
  return $pre;

This code prevents unscheduling events attached to the ‘my_custom_hook’ action hook if a custom condition is met, determined by the some_custom_condition() function.

Change the hook to unschedule

add_filter( 'pre_unschedule_hook', 'change_hook_to_unschedule', 10, 3 );

function change_hook_to_unschedule( $pre, $hook, $wp_error ) {
  if ( 'original_hook' === $hook ) {
    return wp_unschedule_hook( 'new_hook', $wp_error );
  return $pre;

This code intercepts the unscheduling process for the ‘original_hook’ action hook and unschedules events attached to the ‘new_hook’ action hook instead.