Using WordPress ‘print_admin_styles’ PHP filter

‘print_admin_styles’ is a WordPress filter that allows you to control whether or not to print the admin styles on the website’s backend. By default, it’s set to true, meaning the admin styles will be printed.


To use this filter, add a custom function to your theme or plugin’s functions.php file and hook it to the print_admin_styles filter. Here’s a code example:

function custom_print_admin_styles( $print ) {
    // Your custom logic here
    return $print;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'custom_print_admin_styles' );


  • $print (bool): Specifies whether to print the admin styles or not. Default is true.


Disable Admin Styles

function disable_admin_styles( $print ) {
    return false;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'disable_admin_styles' );

In this example, we disable the admin styles by returning false from the disable_admin_styles() function.

Disable Admin Styles for Non-Admin Users

function disable_admin_styles_for_non_admins( $print ) {
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
        return false;
    return $print;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'disable_admin_styles_for_non_admins' );

In this example, we disable the admin styles for non-admin users by checking their capability and returning false if they don’t have the required permission.

Enable Admin Styles on Specific Pages

function enable_admin_styles_on_specific_pages( $print ) {
    global $pagenow;

    if ( 'my-custom-page.php' == $pagenow ) {
        return true;
    return $print;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'enable_admin_styles_on_specific_pages' );

In this example, we enable the admin styles on a specific page (my-custom-page.php) by checking the current page and returning true if it matches.

Disable Admin Styles on Mobile Devices

function disable_admin_styles_on_mobile( $print ) {
    if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
        return false;
    return $print;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'disable_admin_styles_on_mobile' );

In this example, we disable the admin styles on mobile devices by using the wp_is_mobile() function and returning false if it’s a mobile device.

Toggle Admin Styles Based on Custom Option

function toggle_admin_styles_based_on_option( $print ) {
    $admin_styles_enabled = get_option( 'custom_admin_styles_enabled', true );

    return $admin_styles_enabled;
add_filter( 'print_admin_styles', 'toggle_admin_styles_based_on_option' );

In this example, we toggle the admin styles based on a custom option called custom_admin_styles_enabled. If the option is set to true, the admin styles will be printed; otherwise, they won’t be printed.