Using WordPress ‘register_sidebar_widget()’ PHP function

The register_sidebar_widget() WordPress PHP function registers a widget for the sidebar with backward compatibility.


register_sidebar_widget($name, $output_callback, $classname = '', $params = '');

Custom example:

register_sidebar_widget('My Custom Widget', 'my_custom_widget_function', 'custom-widget-class');


  • $name (string|int) Required: Widget ID.
  • $output_callback (callable) Required: Run when the widget is called.
  • $classname (string) Optional: Classname widget option. Default: ” (empty string)
  • $params (mixed) Optional: Widget parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: register_sidebar_widget()


Register a simple text widget

This example registers a simple text widget that displays a custom message.

function my_text_widget() {
    echo '<div class="widget-text">Hello, this is my custom text widget!</div>';
register_sidebar_widget('My Text Widget', 'my_text_widget');

Register a widget with a custom class

This example registers a widget with a custom classname for styling.

function my_styled_widget() {
    echo '<div>This widget has a custom class for styling.</div>';
register_sidebar_widget('My Styled Widget', 'my_styled_widget', 'my-custom-class');

Register a widget with custom parameters

This example registers a widget with custom parameters passed to the output callback.

function my_param_widget($args) {
    echo $before_widget . $before_title . 'My Param Widget' . $after_title . 'This widget has custom parameters.' . $after_widget;
register_sidebar_widget('My Param Widget', 'my_param_widget', '', array('before_title' => '<h2>', 'after_title' => '</h2>'));

Register a widget with multiple instances

This example registers a widget with multiple instances, allowing users to add multiple copies of the widget to their sidebar.

function my_multi_instance_widget($args, $widget_args = 1) {
    extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
    echo $before_widget . $before_title . 'My Multi-instance Widget #' . $widget_args . $after_title . 'This widget supports multiple instances.' . $after_widget;
register_sidebar_widget('My Multi-instance Widget', 'my_multi_instance_widget', '', array(1, 2, 3));

Register a widget with a dynamic title

This example registers a widget with a dynamic title that can be set by the user.

function my_dynamic_title_widget($args, $instance) {
    $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
    echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title . 'This widget has a dynamic title.' . $after_widget;
register_sidebar_widget('My Dynamic Title Widget', 'my_dynamic_title_widget', '', array('title' => 'Custom Title'));